




A Summary and Analysis of James Joyce’s ‘Eveline

A Summary and Analysis of James Joyce’s ‘Eveline

‘Eveline’ is one of the shortest stories that make up James Joyce’s collection Dubliners (1914), a volume that was not an initial commercial success (it sold just 379 copies in its first year of publication, and 120 of those were bought by Joyce himself). We have analysed the collection as a whole, and summarised each of the stories in Dubliners, here.

Yet Dubliners redefined the short story and is now viewed as a classic work of modernist fiction, with each of its fifteen short stories repaying close analysis. ‘Eveline’ focuses on a young Irish woman of nineteen years of age, who plans to leave her abusive father and poverty-stricken existence in Ireland, and seek out a new, better life for herself and her lover Frank in Buenos Aires. You can read ‘Eveline’ here.

Eveline: plot summary

First, a brief summary of ‘Eveline’. Eveline is a young woman living in Dublin with her father. Her mother is dead. Dreaming of a better life beyond the shores of Ireland, Eveline plans to elope with Frank, a sailor who is her secret lover (Eveline’s father having forbade Eveline to see Frank after the two men fell out), and start a new life in Argentina.

With her mother gone, Eveline is responsible for the day-to-day running of the household: her father is drunk and only reluctantly tips up his share of the weekly housekeeping money, and her brother Harry is busy working and is away a lot on business (another brother, Ernest, has died).

Eveline herself keeps down a job working in a shop. On Saturday nights, when she asks her father for some money, he tends to unleash a tirade of verbal abuse, and is often drunk. When he eventually hands over his housekeeping money, Eveline has to go to the shops and buy the food for the Sunday dinner at the last minute.

Eveline is tired of this life, and so she and Frank book onto a ship leaving for Argentina. But as she is just about to board the ship, Eveline suffers a failure of resolve, and cannot go through with it. She wordlessly turns round and goes home, leaving Frank to board the ship alone.

Eveline: analysis

Like many stories in Dubliners, ‘Eveline’ explores the relationship between the past and the future by examining a single person’s attitude to their life in Dublin. Joyce was interested in this relationship, and believed that Ireland – which often had a habit of nostalgically looking backwards and holding onto the past – needed to progress and strive to bring itself up to date.

In contrast to those writers and artists such as W. B. Yeats who embraced the ‘Celtic Twilight’ – a mythical, traditional view of Ireland as a land of faery and history – Joyce wanted to see Ireland bring itself into the modern world.

In many ways, Eveline typifies the difficulties faced by many Dubliners at the time. Joyce depicts her current existence as dull, uninspiring, even oppressive, with her abusive father highlighting the idea that the older generation needs to be cast off if young Ireland is to forge itself into a new nation. Even the good aspects of the old Ireland, such as Eveline’s mother and her older brother Ernest, are dead and gone.

There is also, though, Eveline’s (by no means unfounded) fear that history will end up repeating itself and she will end up becoming her mother, trapped in a marriage to an abusive alcoholic and caught in a life of poverty and flattened dreams:

As she mused the pitiful vision of her mother’s life laid its spell on the very quick of her being—that life of commonplace sacrifices closing in final craziness. 

The promise of a new start in a new country (in a city that means literally ‘good air’) seems like the best way to shake off the musty old air of Ireland:

She was about to explore another life with Frank. Frank was very kind, manly, open-hearted. She was to go away with him by the night-boat to be his wife and to live with him in Buenos Aires where he had a home waiting for her. 

And yet when it comes to crunch time, to the moment when she must board the boat, Eveline is unable to do so, and instead clings to the barrier as though literally clinging to old Ireland and the past which is dead and gone but which she cannot leave behind:

He rushed beyond the barrier and called to her to follow. He was shouted at to go on but he still called to her. She set her white face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. Her eyes gave him no sign of love or farewell or recognition.

The way that final triplet builds out from love to farewell to recognition (what, she now doesn’t even recognise him?) is a masterstroke on Joyce’s part.

She cannot let go of the past, as the early sections of the story reveal:

The man out of the last house passed on his way home; she heard his footsteps clacking along the concrete pavement and afterwards crunching on the cinder path before the new red houses. One time there used to be a field there in which they used to play every evening with other people’s children. Then a man from Belfast bought the field and built houses in it – not like their little brown houses but bright brick houses with shining roofs. The children of the avenue used to play together in that field – the Devines, the Waters, the Dunns, little Keogh the cripple, she and her brothers and sisters. Ernest, however, never played: he was too grown up. Her father used often to hunt them in out of the field with his blackthorn stick; but usually little Keogh used to keep nix and call out when he saw her father coming. Still they seemed to have been rather happy then. Her father was not so bad then; and besides, her mother was alive. That was a long time ago; she and her brothers and sisters were all grown up her mother was dead. Tizzie Dunn was dead, too, and the Waters had gone back to England. Everything changes. Now she was going to go away like the others, to leave her home.

‘That was a long time ago’, and everything has changed, yet Eveline sits and reminisces about this happy time from her childhood.

And this brings us to one of the most difficult aspects of Joyce’s story to analyse and pin down. Is it this nostalgia for old Ireland – embodied by her childhood memories – that prevents her from emigrating with Frank? Perhaps. The masterstroke on Joyce’s part is refraining from telling us precisely what makes Eveline stay in Dublin at the end of the story.

Is it filial duty to her father and brother that makes her turn back? Or is it a nostalgic attachment to Ireland, and the happy memories that it carries for her, even though most of the people who shared those memories with her have either emigrated (back to England, revealingly) or have died?

This is in keeping with much modernist fiction, which avoids giving us clear direction as to how we should respond to the events described in the story. Life is often full of half-grasped truths and hidden motivations, and sometimes our motivations are even partially concealed from ourselves, as we exist in a state of ambivalence and uncertainty.

One of the key words in Joyce’s Dubliners is ‘paralysis’: people feel immobilised, unable to move or progress, trapped in their own lives. This, Joyce believed, is what Dublin – and, indeed, much of Ireland – was like as a whole: paralysed. ‘Eveline’ offers in a little snapshot an example of how deeply such paralysis could run, even leading a young woman to forgo the chance of a new start in favour of remaining in an abusive, dead-end life.

The irony of Eveline, though, is that the very paralysis she fears succumbing to – that life of commonplace sacrifice that typifies her mother – also prevents her from escaping that world through fear or lack of certainty that to abandon the old world would be the right thing to do. Her paralysing world even paralyses her as she attempts to escape it, dooming her to remain in Dublin and, quite probably, repeat the same mistakes her mother made.

About Dubliners 

One of Joyce’s aims in writing Dubliners was to highlight the ‘paralysis’ of Ireland, and we see this time and again in the stories that make up the collection, from the mysterious illness that Father Flynn died of in the very first story, through to the emotional and social paralysis that appears to afflict Gabriel Conroy in the final story. The people of Dublin are held back, lacking in agency, trapped, unable to break free of the city. In these fifteen snapshots of Dublin, Joyce suggests some of the reasons for this lasting paralysis.

About James Joyce

James Joyce (1882-1941) is one of the most important modernist writers of the early twentieth century. His reputation largely rests on just four works: a short story collection Dubliners (1914), and three novels: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916), Ulysses (1922), and Finnegans Wake (1939). Each of these works represents a development from the last, with Joyce’s writing becoming increasingly experimental, obscure, and challenging.

summary and analysis of the short story "The Fly" by Katherine Mansfield

summary and analysis of the short story "The Fly" by Katherine Mansfield

The story is set in the office of a man called the Boss, who is visited by an old friend, Woodifield. Woodifield tells the Boss that his son was killed in the war, and that his daughters recently visited his grave in Belgium. This news upsets the Boss, who is still grieving the death of his own son, who was also killed in the war.

After Woodifield leaves, the Boss is left alone in his office. He starts to think about his son, and how much he misses him. He then notices a fly that has fallen into his inkpot. He fishes the fly out and puts it on a piece of blotting paper.

The Boss starts to play with the fly, dropping drops of ink on it. He watches the fly struggle to clean itself off, and he feels a strange sense of admiration for its courage. He keeps dropping ink on the fly, even though he knows it is killing it.

Finally, the fly dies. The Boss throws its body away and then realizes that he has forgotten what he was thinking about before he started playing with the fly. He has forgotten about his son.

The story ends with the Boss sitting at his desk, feeling lost and alone. He has been unable to come to terms with the death of his son, and he is now unable to even remember him.

The story can be interpreted in many different ways. Some people see the fly as a symbol of the Boss's son, and the ink as a symbol of the war. In this interpretation, the story is about the Boss's inability to accept his son's death, and the way in which the war has scarred him.

Others see the fly as a symbol of all life, and the ink as a symbol of death. In this interpretation, the story is about the Boss's fear of death, and the way in which he tries to control it by playing with the fly.

Ultimately, the meaning of the story is up to the reader to decide. However, there is no doubt that it is a powerful and moving story about grief, loss, and the human condition.

Here are some additional thoughts on the story:

•The story is set in the aftermath of the First World War, a time when many people were struggling to come to terms with the loss of loved ones. The Boss's experience is a reminder of the lasting impact that war can have on individuals and families.

•The story also explores the theme of denial. The Boss is unable to accept his son's death, and he tries to avoid thinking about it by playing with the fly. This denial is a coping mechanism, but it is also a barrier to healing.

•The story is ultimately about the power of love. The Boss's love for his son is so strong that it even survives his death. This love gives the Boss hope, even though he is still grieving.

Life Orientation Source-Based Task 2023 (Questions & Answers)

Life Orientation Source-Based  Task 2023

L.O Answers/Solutions

Writer: Lungelo Malomane 

Activity 1

1.1 Define Conflict - Conflict is serious disagreement and argument. If two people or groups are in conflict, they have had a serious disagreement and have not yet reached agreement.

state FOUR reasons why the inability to communicate effectively may cause conflict between you and your friends.

-  It can lead to misunderstanding
- Poor communication can also lead to a lack of trust and connection between friends. Without proper communication
- Without proper communication, it’s difficult to properly express what you think and feel
- it can lead to frequent arguments

1.2 Mention THREE benefits of being able to effectively communicate with your teachers.

-It makes learning easier
- it improves the students self expression
- it boost mental health

1.3 Discuss how appropriate expression of views or feelings may enhance effective communication between you and your parents

- It’s important to communicate your thoughts and feelings in a way that focuses on the issue and not on criticizing or attacking your parents.

- Consider their point of view, think critically about what you want to say and choose words that express your feelings and opinion without being too aggressive or reactive

- Respectful communication can help to create a safe environment for your parents to understand and analyze your thoughts and feelings.

- This can help foster a more open and honest relationship between you and your parents, and ultimately lead to better communication and understanding.

1.4 Explain how making early arrangements for higher education could minimise the stress of having to rush after receipt of results. 

- Making early arrangements for higher education can minimise stress by allowing students to plan ahead and prepare for their future.

- Students can also use this time to begin gathering required documents, such as transcripts, test scores, transcripts, and references.

- Doing so ahead of time can make the process of applying to universities significantly easier

- it allows students to make sure they have everything they need before results are even released.

- can help to reduce stress by allowing students to make informed decisions about what program or university to apply to

1.5 THREE practical ways in which you, as a school going youth, could establish good communication with teachers. In each answer, also indicate how that could help you tackle the most difficult aspects of your subjects. 

* Create a safe environment
- Create a safe and supportive environment where students feel comfortable to open up and express their thoughts and ideas.

* Encourage teamwork
- Doing more team activities, and group work is a great way to take the focus off competing with one another and concentrate more on working together to get the best results.

* Be sure to give positive feedback
- Often teachers forget to mention when a student has performed well and instead focus on the negative aspects such as bad behavior.

We're now going to Activity 2 (start each Activity on a New Page) 


2.1 Define Study Plan - A study plan is a chart or schedule that allows you to block out time needed each day for well-defined learning activities, goals, and routine daily tasks. 

state FOUR ways in which stress may negatively affect your ability to answer questions in an examination session.

- Reduced ability to concentrate: When you are stressed, your mind can become scattered and unfocused, making it difficult to concentrate on the questions in front of you.

- Memory impairment: Stress can interfere with your memory and make it harder to recall information that you have studied.

Physical symptoms: Stress can cause physical symptoms like headaches, stomach upset, and muscle tension that can distract you and negatively impact your ability to focus on the exam.

- Poor decision-making: High levels of stress can lead to poor decision-making, causing you to make mistakes in answering questions that you would not normally make.

2.2 Mention THREE benefits of properly planning your responses when answering examination questions.  

- Increased efficiency: Planning your responses in advance helps you to organize your thoughts and ideas, which can lead to more efficient use of your time during the examination.

- Improved quality of answers: Planning your responses gives you the opportunity to think about the best way to present your answers, which can result in more clear and well-structured responses that effectively demonstrate your understanding of the material.

- Reduced stress: By planning your responses in advance, you can reduce stress and anxiety during the examination by having a clear idea of what you want to say and how you want to present your answers. This can help you to remain calm and focused during the examination and improve your performance.

2.3 Discuss the importance of understanding the marks allocated to examination questions.

- Time management: Knowing the marks allocated to each question can help students to manage their time more effectively during an exam. 

- Prioritization: Understanding the marks allocated to each question can also help students to prioritize their efforts during an exam.

- Preparation: Knowing the marks allocated to each question can also help students to prepare for exams more effectively.

- Accuracy: Understanding the marks allocated to each question can also help students to ensure that they answer the question accurately and fully.

2.4 Explain TWO ways in which you may effectively use the allocated time to satisfactorily answer examination questions.

- Prioritization: First, prioritize the questions based on their weightage or difficulty level and allocate more time to the important ones. This way, you can ensure that you have enough time to answer the more challenging questions.

- Pacing: Secondly, pace yourself throughout the exam by regularly monitoring the time you have left and adjusting your speed accordingly.

2.5 Recommend what grade 12s could do to minimise the impact of the anxiety they may feel on the day of the examination. In your answers, also indicate how that could enhance their performance in the examination.

*  Work smarter
- Studying for matric exams can be daunting if you haven’t adequately studied for your exams. Create a study plan that works for you and is simple.

* Manage expectations
- Be realistic about what you can do and what you aren’t able to do.

* Have a support structure
- Having people you can rely on during your matric exams is critical to ensure that you stay on track.

We're now going to Activity 3 (Start each Activity on a new Page) 

Activity 3

3.1 Define Unemployment - a situation where a person actively searches for employment but is unable to find work.

state FOUR reasons for unemployment amongst the South African youth.  

- Lack of qualifications. Young people without any skills are much more likely to be unemployed (structural unemployment) A report by Centre for Cities suggest there is a correlation between youth unemployment and poor GCSE results in Maths and English.

- Geographical Unemployment. Youth unemployment is often focused in certain areas – often inner cities where there is a cycle of low achievement and low expectations.

- Real Wage Unemployment. You could argue unemployment is caused by labour market rigidities and wages being above the equilibrium rate.

- Lack of graduate jobs. Many young people leave college with a degree but then find graduate jobs are in short supply.

- Frictional unemployment. School leavers may just take time to find the right work.

- Cultural/social factors. Youth unemployment is often highest amongst deprived areas where there is pessimism over job prospects.

(Choose any Four)

3.2 Mention FOUR negative impacts of unemployment to the quality of life of an individual. 

* Reduced income
- Unemployed individuals experience reduced income as a direct result of not having a job.

* Health problems
- Unemployment can also have a significant impact on a person's physical health.

* Negative familial effects
- Family members of an unemployed person are also at risk of the negative impact of unemployment.

 * Mental health challenges
- Studies have shown that unemployment increases a person's risk for depressive symptoms.

3.3 Discuss FOUR reasons why not following changes in the job market may result in unemployment. 

- Lack of skills: The job market is constantly evolving and new skills are in high demand. If you are not keeping up with the changes and updating your skills, you may find that your current skills are no longer relevant, making you less competitive in the job market.

- Inflexibility: Employers are looking for employees who are flexible and adaptable to change. If you are not willing to adapt to changes in the job market, you may miss out on job opportunities and eventually face unemployment.

3.4 Explain why entrepreneurship may be a solution to the high levels of unemployment in South Africa. 

- Job creation: Entrepreneurs create jobs by starting and growing their own businesses. As they expand, they need to hire staff to help them run their operations. This results in the creation of new jobs, which can help to reduce unemployment levels.

- Economic growth: Entrepreneurship can stimulate economic growth by creating new products and services, and by improving existing ones. This can lead to increased consumer spending, which in turn creates more demand for goods and services. As the economy grows, more job opportunities can become available, which can reduce unemployment.

- Self-employment: Entrepreneurship provides an alternative to traditional employment. It offers individuals the opportunity to create their own jobs and become self-employed. This can be an attractive option for people who struggle to find employment in the traditional job market.

- Innovation: Entrepreneurs are often innovators who identify new opportunities and ways of doing things. They can introduce new products and services, or improve existing ones, which can create new markets and demand. This can lead to the creation of new jobs and the growth of existing businesses.

- Diversification: Entrepreneurship can help to diversify the economy by creating new industries and businesses. This can reduce the country’s reliance on a few key sectors or industries, which can make the economy more resilient to economic shocks.

3.5 Recommend THREE ways in which the youth could use entrepreneurship to benefit their community. In your answer, also indicate how that could bring about positive change in the life of the community.  

* Entrepreneurship is more than just starting up a new business.
- Even without a formal business structure there are so many benefits of entrepreneurship for the individual, like critical thinking, creativity, decision-making, and leadership.

* Entrepreneurship requires a new level of thinking.
-If the entrepreneur’s only experience is coming from a trade, for example, then they may be starting with a limited understanding of business management and finance and have to gain higher knowledge and education in those areas.

* Increasing entrepreneurial activities supports job creation.
- Entrepreneurship delivers empowerment. Real change comes from empowerment, increases in dignity, and marketplace growth. Recognizing need and seizing opportunity.

* Entrepreneurship creates new sources of wealth
- Creating and growing a business turns resources into value by sharing time, talents and treasures with others.

* Entrepreneurship works best in community.
- Entrepreneurs can increase the odds of success by working with others. No one can do business alone.

* Entrepreneurship done intentionally creates more than income.
- Raising income and upleveling skills of staff takes dedication and intention for betterment in order to create exponential benefits of a highly productive and profitable medium-sized business.

* Entrepreneurship delivers the hope of seeing opportunity
- As a business grows, the owners, staff, vendors, and customers create their own value, point the direction, and are guided by the organization’s goals and visions.

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References and Sources or Research ( websites and Screenshots ) 

Anglo American Learnership Admin

Anglo American tLearnership Admin

Kumba Iron Ore

Area: Human Resources

Location: Kathu, South Africa

Reference Id: REF39208F

Experience / Work Type:

Entry Level / Learnership / Apprentice

Closing Date: 03 February, 2023


Company Description:

We have an exciting position for a Learnership Admin. If you reside in the JTG District we have a great opportunity for you to join our extraordinary team at Sishen Mine and get exposure to complete your National Diploma after a 24 months Admin Experiential Learnership enrichment programme. You are required to be medically fit to participate in the programme

Job Description:

Our twenty-four months Admin Experiential Learnership Programme is an enrichment programme and will enable you to develop skills with on-the-job training in the mining community in order to get enough admin exposure to apply for your National Diploma. As you progress through your Admin learnership programme, we will help you discover your real capability and develop your skills as a Management Assistant.


You must have:

Management Assistant N6 qualification with passed subjects in Communication, Information Processing, Office Practice and Computer Practice.

You will be required to pass an aptitude test.

The Admin learnership will only commence after being successfully interviewed and a Fitness Certificate obtained.

Attach a residential confirmation letter from the local Municipality.

Additional information:

What We Offer

A stipend/allowance per month, for the duration of programme

24 months programme inclusive of experiential learning

Personal Protective Equipment

Who We Are

We aim to lead the industry by pursuing ever safer and more responsible ways of working, demonstrating integrity and showing care and respect for people and the planet, that means we are constantly seeking new opportunities to mine and process our products sustainably, using less water, less energy and more precise extraction technologies

Inclusion and Diversity

Anglo American is an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to promoting an inclusive and diverse workplace where we value and respect every colleague for who they are and provide equality of opportunity so that everyone can fulfil their potential.

How to apply

To apply for this role, please complete our online application form at Smart Recruiters on Smart Recruiters Reference number: REF39208F. You will have the opportunity to upload your CV and other relevant documentation as part of this process. If you do not hear from the Company within 21 days after the application deadline, please consider your application to be unsuccessful. Preference will be given to youth between the ages 18 and 35, from all racial groups, staying within the JTG District.

Hiring a Construction Manager in Cape Town

Hiring a Construction Manager in Cape Town

Oasis is looking for a highly analytical Engineer, responsible for designing safe; economic and functioning structures meeting the requirements, to join its Property division. The successful candidate will have knowledge of estimating, planning and controlling the costs associated with a project, and will work closely with the Quantity Surveyors and Project Managers within the department.

Desired Qualification & Experience

  • BTec/ B.Sc degree / Diploma in Building Science, Building Management or Construction Management
  • Certificate in Project Management is advantageous
  • Knowledge of applicable municipal laws, regulations and processes
  • Sound mathematical and technical skills including physics
  • 6-10 years of experience
  • Basic proficiency in win QS and AutoCAD applications
  • Extensive experience in commercial/industrial and retail development on an end-to-end basis
  • Ability to work extended hours during project implementation phases
  • Excellent document management skills
  • Proficient in multi-tasking and simultaneously administering a number of high-value project
  • Registration with SACPCMP is advantageous
  • Strong knowledge of MS Project is required to ensure that a detailed project plan is prepared for each project
  • Knowledge and experience in Western Cape market is a prerequisite

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Inspecting properties to check conditions/foundations.
  • Obtaining planning and/or building regulations approval.
  • Selecting appropriate construction materials and provide technical advice.
  • Making sure sites meet legal guidelines, and health and safety requirements.
  • Analysing configurations of the basic structural components of a building or other structures.
  • Considering the strength of various materials, e.g. concrete, steel and brick, to see how their inclusion may necessitate a change of structural design.
  • Liaising with other designers, including architects, to agree on safe designs and their fit with the aesthetic concept of the construction.
  • Examining structures at risk of collapse and advising how to improve their structural integrity, such as recommending removal or repair of defective parts or rebuilding the entire structure.
  • Making drawings, specifications and computer models of structures for building contractors.
  • Liaising with construction contractors to ensure that newly erected buildings are structurally sound.
  • Applying expert knowledge of the forces that act on various structures.
  • Using computers and computer-aided design (CAD) technology for simulation purposes.
  • Giving progress reports to and HOD Property.
  • You will investigate both the immediate loads and demands on the structure, as well as any likely future changes, and ensuring a structure is designed to withstand those loads.

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Windhoek Shoprite Vacancies Apply


Windhoek Shoprite Vacancies

Shoprite is one of South Africa's best-known retailers, and the Shoprite Group offers many career opportunities in their stores! This is how to get a job with Shoprite.

How to apply for jobs at Shoprite stores

The Shoprite Group is always looking to grow their team, whether it be in your local store or in their corporate offices.

If you're looking for a career in one of Shoprite's stores, you can choose one of the following means of application:

There is an online application process to get a job at Shoprite stores. This online application will ask you for the following:

ID Number

Where you live, which store you would like to work in, how much retail experience you have, etc

Name, contact details, etc

Dial *120*446# and follow the prompts (Network rates apply)

Hand deliver your CV to one of Shoprite's Recruitment Centres, found in Cape Town, Johannesburg or Pretoria

Click here to find your nearest recruitment centre

To work in a Shoprite store, you will need the following:

A South African ID

Be able to work retail hours, including weekends & Public Holidays

A minimum qualification of Grade 10-12 (or equivalent)

Shoprite Group reserves the right to conduct Employee Verification Checks, including but not limited to Criminal and Credit Checks

If you haven't heard back within 30 days, your application was unsuccessful.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Shoprite Group of companies will never require any candidate to pay a fee when applying for a position within the Group. Anyone requesting such a fee is not doing so on behalf of the Shoprite Group and is not operating with their knowledge or consent.

Job Scam locations in Johannesburg


Job Scam locations in Johannesburg

Bookmark This Please ❤️❤️


If you are invited for interviews in the following places in Johannesburg, please do not go:

1. ILPA House CNR Commissioner & Von Weiligh Str

2. Klamson Towers, 151 Commissioner Str

3. Manchester House, CNR Von Wielligh & Pritchard Str

4. The Great Experience, Curthberths of Chambers Building, CNR Prichard & Eloff Str

5. Century (Insurance) Building, CNR Kruis & Albertina Sisulu Str

6. Motaung Recruitment, Dr Neil Agget Building, 90 President & Kruis Str

7. North State Building, 99 Albertina Sisulu Str

8. Factor House, CNR Kruis & Albert Str

9. BMT Training pty Ltd, Royal Place, CNR Eloff & Kerk Str

10. Mr Price Building, CNR Albertina Sisulu & Von Brandis Str

11. Ottawa Mall, CNR President & Small Str

12. Kariba House, CNR DeVilliers & Commissioner str

13. ABC Kay Motsepe Building, CNR Fox & Von Brandis Str

14. Mothomo House, Fox Str

15. Meisschkes Building, CNR Harrison & Albertina Sisulu Str

16. De Souza Direct, Power Place Building, 261 Oak Avenue, Randburg

17. 08 Hillside road, Parktown near BP garage

18. 1fourall Recruitment Agency, Address Unknown

19. Vusa House, Gandhi Square, Jhb 18. 1fourall Recruitment Agency, Address Unknown

20. DK Marketing Solutions (pty) Ltd, Mr Price Building, CNR Albertina Sisulu Rd & Von Brandis Str

21. ICA Marketing, Aspern house, 2de korte Str, Braamfontein

22. Markade Building, 84 CNR

23. MIT Group, 130 Fox & Von Brandis Str

24. Renaissance Building, Gandhi Square

25. Focus House, 86 Lovey Day & Plein Str, Jhb

26. Mansion House, Albertina Sisulu & Kruis Str

27. Brooklyn Recruitment, Jhb

28. E.N.T Call Centre, Imas House, 28 Von Brandis &

23. MIT Group, 130 Fox & Von Brandis Str

24. Renaissance Building, Gandhi Square

25. Focus House, 86 Lovey Day & Plein Str, Jhb

26. Mansion House, Albertina Sisulu & Kruis Str

27. Brooklyn Recruitment, Jhb

28. E.N.T Call Centre, Imas House, 28 Von Brandis

29. Motsepe Building, CNR Fox & Von Brandis Str

30. Lebeya/Success Hospitality, Joubert & Commissioner Str, Majesty Building

31. Benny Recruitment And Training, 262 Madiba Str, Pretoria

32. MK Marketing, Apollo Building, Pretoria

33. TK Marketing, 43 Weirda Str, Devilliers Ave Vereeniging, Randburg

34. Malatji Specialised Services, Metropolitan Park, Hillside Rd, Parktown

To learn more about Interview, read our guide on 7 tips for a successful job interview.


Khoemacau Copper Mine

Khoemacau Copper Mine

We are building a legacy

Khoemacau has programmes in place to attract and develop excellent candidates, resulting in an ongoing pipeline of suitably qualified people to take up employment at our operation. Positions, graduate training opportunities and internships offered by Khoemacau are dependent on the specific needs of the mine and focus on our core operational areas of centralised services, mining, and processing. We offer non-skilled, skilled and professional careers in discipline areas such as operations, maintenance, engineering, mining, geology, surveying, metallurgy, rock engineering, finance, procurement, supply chain, environment and community, training and development and human resources.

Be careful of Job Scams! 

People looking for employment are increasingly falling victim to scammers who promise that, for a fee, they can secure jobs for people.

These scammers use email, social media platforms, whatsapp, sms and other methods to misrepresent themselves as company human resources personnel; or human resources agents appointed by the company.


Careers at Khoemacau

We are looking for suitably qualified, highly motivated, talented, innovative, hands on, dynamic, team players capable of working both collaboratively and independently, with a high level of integrity, strong commitment, and a desire to deliver operational excellence while achieving Zero Harm. The positions are based at the Mine Site located between Maun and Sehithwa in Ngamiland, therefore, you must have the enthusiasm and interest to work in a remote location and in a multicultural work environment.

While developing the first fully mechanised underground mine in Botswana, we offer a dynamic and stimulating work environment, great culture, good benefits, a competitive salary and family friendly rosters.

Please note that review of Applications begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

How to apply:

Please submit a cover letter, résumé to: Vice President Human Resources and Communications at:

NB: Write ONLY the title of the position you are applying for on the subject line.

Due to the high volume of applications received for our advertised positions, only those applications who are shortlisted will be contacted. To those applicants not shortlisted, we extend our appreciation for considering Khoemacau Copper Mining as a potential employer.

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De Beers Group Capital Accountant

De Beers Group Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

(Incumbent will be required to Fly-In & Fly-out to Musina once a month)

De Beers Group Capital Accountant

Venetia Mine is a Tier 1 asset in the Anglo American portfolio with a strategic and commercial imperative to achieve the business objectives, including the completion of the Venetia Underground Project, which is currently the single largest mining investment in Africa.

Significant operational improvements are required to achieve the company’s ambition to be the pioneer of a new diamond world. This includes realisation of P101, Zero Harm, Elimination of Fatalities, and advancement of Future Smart Mining. This is a critical role in the Venetia Finance team supporting the work of the Venetia General Manager and Venetia Underground Project Director in delivering safe, responsible production, in-line with the agreed operating plans.

Job Description

This role is responsible for the cost control system and schedule tracking of the difference stages of the expansionary project, development capital and SIB for Venetia Mine. The role takes responsibility for providing financial evaluation, support, formulating recommendations and other analysis in support of project. The role requires a broad awareness of both the internal and external environment and how these impact one another. The individual will work closely with Project functions to optimise financial plans and business decisions.

  • Provide the required financial leadership and technical expertise to the operation.
  • SAP: Perform all capital spend processing, maintain master data and controls relating to PS module.
  • Manage the financial planning, budgets, and modelling work for Venetia Mine as well as DBCM CHQ (i.e. Expansionary, Development Capex & SIB): scenario building or assessment relevant to the phase of the specific project (including provision of guidance and challenge to budget holders during the process).
  • Ensure that the necessary Strategic Business Plan inputs for incorporation into the operation’s Strategic Business Plan ensuring both accuracy, completeness, and integrated costs.
  • Interface with Operations and other stakeholders on short-term, long-term, and life-of-mine models is imperative.
  • Provide valuable performance analysis and insights based on monitoring of performance against forecasts and physical progress related metrics throughout projects.
  • Manage and prepare monthly and quarterly capital performance reporting together with Project Managers, Mining Engineers, and the General Manager of Venetia Mine.
  • Provide cash flow monitoring to ensure related funding requirements are met, always assuring the quality and control of said project planning.
  • Generate the necessary information required for project approval.
  • Provide the required financial leadership and technical expertise to the operation.
  • SAP: Perform all capital spend processing, maintain master data and controls relating to PS module.
  • Manage the financial planning, budgets, and modelling work for Venetia Mine as well as DBCM CHQ (i.e. Expansionary, Development Capex & SIB): scenario building or assessment relevant to the phase of the specific project (including provision of guidance and challenge to budget holders during the process).
  • Ensure that the necessary Strategic Business Plan inputs for incorporation into the operation’s Strategic Business Plan ensuring both accuracy, completeness, and integrated costs.
  • Interface with Operations and other stakeholders on short-term, long-term, and life-of-mine models is imperative.
  • Provide valuable performance analysis and insights based on monitoring of performance against forecasts and physical progress related metrics throughout projects.
  • Manage and prepare monthly and quarterly capital performance reporting together with Project Managers, Mining Engineers, and the General Manager of Venetia Mine.
  • Provide cash flow monitoring to ensure related funding requirements are met, always assuring the quality and control of said project planning.
  • Generate the necessary information required for project approval.
  • Ensure sound capital cost management processes and perform the necessary reviews to guarantee that detailed cost management supports the overall financial governance and reporting requirements which are aligned with Anglo American, De Beers Group, IFRS and all policies and procedures relevant to capital spend.
  • Prepare the necessary Board and Investco notes on the latest capital spend updates.
  • Assist and follow up on all internal and external audit reporting requirements relating to capital, including the closing out of audit findings.
  • Overseeing all Capital Reporting, e.g., business capital reporting schedules and high-level commentaries to Group Financial Reporting Team.
  • In conjunction with MO Group team, ensure the correct capital accounting treatment for all Venetia assets with, a specific focus on the Venetia Underground Project. In addition, ensure correct capitalisation of all capital assets to the Fixed Asset Register.
  • Responsible for the coordination of relevant period end activities, ensuring accurate and timeous reporting of management information.
  • Responsible for the coordination of relevant Commercial Services risk log, ensuring accurate and timeous reporting of risks, updating of the risk log and assisting with identifying risk mitigation actions.
  • Influence, compile, analyse and ensure timeous delivery of accurate operational Anglo American Operating Model inputs and financials to enable management to make informed decisions around which strategies to implement.

Formal qualifications:

  • Grade 12/Std 10/N3 or relevant NQF Level 4 qualification.
  • B Com Accounting or similar Degree in Accounting.
  • Valid Driver’s License.


  • Bachelor degree level, appropriate to the job and/or Accounting or equivalents
  • CIMA or equivalent qualification

A relevant combination of formal Accounting qualifications and additional specialized studies.

Role-specific knowledge:

  • Extensive experience in underground and open pit mining /project /construction environment.
  • AA Capital Application procedure
  • Strong IFRS knowledge and application
  • Extensive Excel knowledge
  • Extensive SAP knowledge.
  • Extensive InEight knowledge
Who We Are:

Venetia Mine – South Africa

De Beers Group is a company with a rich history and a sparkling future.

Since 1888 our experts have searched the world for nature’s most precious gem. Our diamonds bring beauty to the world. But we think they can do so much more. We want our diamonds, and our business, to make life brilliant – for our people, our customers, and the world around us.

Venetia Mine is part of De Beers Group Managed Operations Business which integrates mines, operations and support functions in the De Beers Group producer countries of Canada and South Africa to shape a safe, sustainable future for De Beers Group’s people, shareholders, communities and partners.


Safety first is a way of life for us. We are unconditional about the safety, health and well-being of our colleagues, at work and at home, and about that of the communities where we work. We aim to lead the industry by investing in innovation to protect people, who are at the heart of our business. Our high performing teams take accountability for their own and others' actions, work collaboratively, and always show care and respect.

Background Checks

By applying for this job, you provide consent that your personal details, including your fingerprints, can be used to conduct background screening where appropriate. For more information, please visit:

Privacy Statement

Anglo American/ De Beers Group collects and processes personal data in accordance with the relevant regulations. For more information, please visit:

Inclusion & Diversity

We are committed to promoting an inclusive and diverse workplace where we value and respect every colleague for who they are. We provide equality of opportunity to enable everyone to fulfil their potential.

Closing Date: 31 March 2023

Should you not have heard from Venetia Mine’s HR Department four weeks after the closing date, kindly consider your application as unsuccessful.

HRD Coordinator Mining NMT Careers

Anglo American Fetakgomo Tubatse, Limpopo, South Africa

Do you have Trackless Mobile Machinery environment working experience? Here is an exciting opportunity to join Mototolo Complex as an HRD Coordinator Mining New Mining Technology.

HRD Coordinator Mining NMT

Anglo-American is striving towards being the number one company in digitalization, new mining technology and building modern ways in delivering learning.

You’re dedicated, talented and flexible. That’s why you’ll fit in

Guided by our purpose and our values, we enable both high performance and purposeful action as we aim to “re-imagine mining to improve people’s lives", delivering the metals and minerals that make modern life possible – from mobile phones to medicines.


Our Platinum business mines, processes, and refines the entire range of platinum group metals (PGMs): platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, and osmium. We are the world’s leading primary producer of PGMs, which have a range of specialised applications that improve lives across the world – from vehicle fuel cells to jewellery; dentistry to glassmaking; pacemakers to petroleum refining.

Job Description

The HRD Coordinator Mining is responsible to ensure compliance with Mine Health and Safety Act requirements regarding practical skills development facilities (underground and / or surface) with reference to competence and Legal appointments. Responsibility will also lie in managing an accredited underground workplace skills development area.

Your duties will include (but not limited to) be:

  1. Coordinate and implement operational skills development for competency.
  2. Responsible to establish, maintain and manage a working underground and / or surface environment conducive for skills development in compliance with the Mine Health and Safety Act.
  3. Identification of skills development delivery priorities for Mining in consultation with the HRD Manager
  4. Ensures compliance in terms of MQA and QCTO requirements
  5. Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement and evaluate skills development processes and resources on-going to ensure compliance with best practice principles
  6. Design and coordinate skills development capacity (infrastructure, curriculum, resources) for skills development needs
  7. Report progress against predetermined targets for skills development delivery for practical underground work place development.
  8. Implements the required learning methodology and learning material.
  9. Ensures appropriate training budget control
  10. Measures, evaluates and reports on effectiveness and efficiency of skills development programmes.
  11. Liaises with internal and external stakeholder relationships including service providers and internal clients.

This role is in the Human Resources Development Department and is at a Band 6 level reporting to the HRD Trainer


  • Blasting Certificate / NQF 3 Rock Breaker Qualification
  • Strata Control Certificate (essential)

  • Mine Overseer Certificate (advantageous)
  • OD ETDP Level 5 Higher certificate or NQF 6 OD ETDP Diploma (advantageous)
  • Assessor and Moderator Certificate (essential)
  • Risk Management Certification (advantageous)
  • Management Development Programme
  • Please include copies of all qualifications in your application, otherwise your application will not be reviewed

Skills & experience:

  • 5 years’ Mining experience, including 1-year supervisory experience and 2 years HRD
  • Projects experience (advantageous)

What We Offer

When you join Anglo American, you can expect to enjoy a competitive salary and benefits package. But more than this, you’ll find yourself in an environment where the opportunities for learning and growth are second to none. From technical training to leadership programmes, we bring out the best in our people. There are plenty of opportunities to move onwards and upwards too. We’re a large, successful multinational company – and we’re still growing all the time.

Who we are?

Anglo American is a global diversified mining business. Our portfolio of world-class mining operations provides the metals and minerals that make modern life possible. We use innovative practices and the latest technologies to discover new resources and mine, process, move and market our products to our customers around the world.

Inclusion and Diversity

Anglo American is an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to promoting an inclusive and diverse workplace where we value and respect every colleague for who they are and provide equality of opportunity so that everyone can fulfil their potential.

How We Are Committed To Your Safety

Nothing is more important to us than ensuring you return home safely after a day’s work. To make that happen, we have the most rigorous safety standards in the industry. Not only that, we’re also continually investing in new technologies – from drones to data analytics – that are helping to make mining safer

How To Apply

To apply for this role, please complete our online application form. You will have the opportunity to upload your CV and other relevant documentation as part of this process.

Closing date: 31 March 2023

The SANDF is calling on matriculants below the age of 26 who wish to join the defence force to send in their applications.

The SANDF is calling on matriculants below the age of 26 who wish to join the defence force to send in their applications.
The SANDF is calling on matriculants below the age of 26 who wish to join the defence force to send in their applications.

The country’s last line of defence will be taking applications until the end of February to join the force through its military skills development system next year.

In order to be eligible, applicants must be South African citizens (no dual citizenship), have no criminal record, and comply with medical fitness requirements for appointment to the SANDF.

Applicants who wishes to join the SA Army and the SA Air Force (pilots and navigators) must comply with the minimum height and weight requirements stipulated in the application forms.

All applicants will be subjected to drug testing, as well as fitness, psychometric and medical evaluations; may not have any visible tattoos (legs, lower arms, neck, and face); must not be area-bound (in other words, must be deployable anywhere in South Africa or the southern Africa region); and should preferably be single.

Why Shoprite Money Market Blocked My Account & How To Unlock It

Shoprite Money Market may block your account for a number of reasons, including:

•Too many failed login attempts. If you enter your PIN incorrectly too many times, your account will be blocked for security reasons.
•Suspicious activity. If Shoprite Money Market suspects that your account is being used for fraudulent or illegal activities, they may block it.
•Inactive account. If you don't use your Shoprite Money Market account for a period of time, it may be blocked.
•Change of cellphone number. If you change your cellphone number and don't update your Shoprite Money Market account, your account may be blocked.
•To unlock your Shoprite Money Market account, you will need to contact Shoprite Money Market customer support. They will ask you to provide some personal information to verify your identity, and then they will be able to unlock your account.

Few steps on how to unlock your Shoprite Money Market account:

•Call Shoprite Money Market customer support at 0860 01 07 09.
•Provide the customer service representative with your name, ID number, and cellphone number.
•Explain why your account was blocked.
•Follow the instructions of the customer service representative to unlock your account.
•In some cases, you may need to provide additional information to unlock your account, such as a copy of your ID or a recent bank statement. Shoprite Money Market will let you know what information they need when you contact them.

Once your account is unlocked, you should be able to access it as usual. However, if you are still having problems, you can contact Shoprite Money Market customer support for further assistance.

Why Is My Shoprite Money Market Account says "Invalid Credentials"

There are a few reasons why your Shoprite Money Market account is saying "invalid credentials".

You might have entered your PIN incorrectly. Make sure you are enter the correct PIN, including the capitalization.
Your account might be blocked. If you have entered your PIN incorrectly too many times, your account may be blocked for security reasons. You can unlock your account by contacting Shoprite Money Market customer support.
Your account might have been suspended. If Shoprite Money Market suspects that your account is being used for fraudulent or illegal activities, they may suspend it. You can contact Shoprite Money Market customer support to find out more about why your account was suspended and how to reactivate it.
If you are sure that you have entered your PIN correctly and your account is not blocked or suspended, then there might be a technical problem with the Shoprite Money Market system. You can contact Shoprite Money Market customer support to report the problem.

Here are more things you can do to avoid getting an "invalid credentials" error:

•Make sure you write down your PIN and keep it in a safe place.
•Do not share your PIN with anyone.
•Be careful when entering your PIN, especially in public places.
•If you think you have entered your PIN incorrectly, try again. If you still get an error message, contact Shoprite Money Market customer support.
I hope this helps you!

How To Withdraw Money Using Shoprite Money Market Account

There are two ways to withdraw money from your Shoprite Money Market account:

1. Using your Xtra Savings card:

•Go to any Shoprite, Checkers, Usave store or Money Market counters at OK Furniture and House & Home stores.
•Tell the cashier that you would like to withdraw cash from your Money Market Account using your Xtra Savings card.
•Swipe your Xtra Savings card on the card machine.
•Select “CASH”.
•Enter your 5-digit Money Market Account PIN on the card machine.
•Collect your cash.

2. Using the Shoprite Money Market app:

•Download the Shoprite Money Market app on your smartphone.
•Open the app and sign in to your account.
•Tap on the “Withdraw” button.
•Enter the amount you want to withdraw.
•Select your preferred withdrawal method.
•Enter your 5-digit Money Market Account PIN.
•Confirm the withdrawal.

The daily withdrawal limit for your Shoprite Money Market account is R5,000. You can withdraw money from your account at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Here are some more things to keep in mind when withdrawing money from your Shoprite Money Market account:

You will need to provide your ID number to the cashier or the Shoprite Money Market app when withdrawing money.
There may be a small fee charged for withdrawing money from your account.
If you are withdrawing money using the Shoprite Money Market app, you will need to have a good internet connection.
I hope this helps you!