


My Children my Africa - How do the characters of Mr. M, Thami, and Isabel develop over the course of the play?

My Children my Africa - How do the characters of Mr. M, Thami, and Isabel develop over the course of the play?
My Children my Africa - How do the characters of Mr. M, Thami, and Isabel develop over the course of the play?

Here is how the characters of Mr. M, Thami, and Isabel develop over the course of the play:

Mr. M

Mr. M is a black teacher who is passionate about education. He believes that education is the key to a better future for Africa. At the beginning of the play, Mr. M is a respected and well-liked teacher. He is dedicated to his students and he wants to help them achieve their dreams.

However, Mr. M is also a realist. He knows that the apartheid system is a powerful force that will not be easy to overcome. He also knows that the future of Africa is uncertain.

Over the course of the play, Mr. M becomes more and more involved in the fight against apartheid. He risks his job and his safety to help his students. He also becomes more outspoken in his criticism of the government.

In the end, Mr. M is killed by a mob of white supremacists. His death is a tragedy, but it also serves as a reminder of the sacrifices that people make in the fight for freedom.


Thami is a black student who is angry and frustrated with the apartheid system. He believes that violence is the only way to achieve change. At the beginning of the play, Thami is a bright and promising student. He is also a talented poet.

However, Thami's anger and frustration with the apartheid system leads him to become involved in a group of black activists who are using violence to fight for change. Thami's involvement in this group leads him to make some bad decisions, including quitting school and getting involved in a violent protest.

Over the course of the play, Thami begins to realize that violence is not the answer. He also begins to realize that he needs to use his education to fight for change. In the end, Thami decides to leave South Africa and go into exile so that he can continue to fight for freedom.


Isabel is a white student who is new to the school and is still learning about apartheid. She is shocked by the inequality that she sees between the black and white students. She is also impressed by Mr. M's dedication to his students.

At the beginning of the play, Isabel is a naive and sheltered young woman. She does not understand the realities of apartheid. However, as she gets to know Mr. M and Thami, she begins to learn about the struggle for freedom in South Africa.

Over the course of the play, Isabel becomes more and more involved in the fight against apartheid. She risks her safety to help Mr. M and Thami. She also becomes more outspoken in her criticism of the government.

In the end, Isabel is forced to leave South Africa because of her involvement in the fight against apartheid. However, she vows to continue to fight for freedom, even from outside of South Africa.

The characters of Mr. M, Thami, and Isabel all develop over the course of the play. They all learn and grow as they become more involved in the fight against apartheid. They all make sacrifices and they all take risks. However, they all remain committed to the fight for freedom.


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